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Vt wonen

Every Sunday a Dutch family falls in love again with their own home. Varied flavours, hurried lives; there are always reasons for not giving your house the attention and the atmosphere it deserves. While your home is the place to come home to, to recharge, to get together. The ] vtwonen stylists therefore do their best to surprise the residents time and again. 

The Legno table from Studio HENK - Stylist Fietje has given the residents of the episode of October 21st an adult establishment where they can all live happily. The female resident wanted a round table, the male one a rectangular. Fietje has, as she says, 'thrown those in a jar, and that became an oval'. An oval, oak Studio HENK table, with a wooden Legno frame. The residents will certainly experience many cozy family moments there!

Studio HENK & vt wonen - It is always a great pleasure to see our products at someone's home. It is also truly flattering every time our products are shown on TV. And we like thinking along on solutions and possibilities with architects and stylists, like vtwonen’s stylists. Did you know that another table of ours will be in the vt wonen broadcast at the beginning of November, and that more extensive attention will be paid to our brand? So watch vt wonen on Sunday November 4th at 7:30 pm on SBS6!

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